We were lucky enough to snag
Jessica Claire, photographer extraordinaire, while she was in NYC over the holidays. She photographed our
our wedding and gave us wedding photos that we absolutely treasure. I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to take our first family portrait!

Check out Jessica's
Blogsite to see more of her work!
too cute! What treasures. I love Jessica Claire's work. Where did you get your top in the 2nd photo? I love it!
Wow, I love these photos and the jacket you are wearing in the swing pictures is amazing! Can I ask where it's from?
Omg! Amazing! They all came out so great. I love them all. You looked so chic! Loved both of your outfit choices!
Thanks so much, Everyone! We couldn't be happier with the photos.
To answer your questions about the clothes...
The jacket it Plenty by Tracy Reese - Holiday 2009
The green top is by Tibi.
Y'all look like something out of a magazine! Such wonderful photos too! I love the kissing one's, I need to get some with my fam.
Beautiful pictures!!!
Beautiful! I love it. :)
Checked out Jessica's site, how fun to see your weddingphotos too...!
I thought it was something familiar with the bride, but didn't understand until I read it. ;)
Loved your coat too.... *wishlist*
Vibeke ♥
Awww, T! What a beautiful, happy family!
Stunning! Such a beautiful family.
What lovely photos. Your little man is adorable. You look great too, love the ensembles.. :)
Gorgeous! You guys are a great looking family and Jessica is beyond talented!
GREAT pics! Love how you bundled up the lil' guy, he's so adorable :D
Ohhh, so cute! I remember your wedding photos - they are legendary!
- Danielle
Hello beautiful family! You're looking fantastic, girl!
I'm so jealous. LOVE Jessica's work. Did you see the pics of her wedding? So vintage beautiful.
Those are beautiful pictures! I love the first one.
Beautiful pics. Beautiful fam!
i can't believe how big your baby is!1 he is beautiful. jessica claire is wonderful - i love her work and these images are great!!!
So sweet!s
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Family Portraits
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